ຕາຕະລາງຍົກດ້ານເສດຖະກິດແມ່ນອອກແບບສໍາລັບການໂອນຫນັກ, ຍົກສູງບົດບາດຂອງວຽກງານ, ແລະຍ້າຍສິນຄ້າຈາກພື້ນເຮືອນໄປຫາຕໍາແຫນ່ງທີ່ສູງຂຶ້ນໄດ້ງ່າຍຂຶ້ນ. ສິນຄ້າທີ່ຕ້ອງການເພື່ອຄວາມສູງສູງທີ່ສົມບູນແບບດ້ວຍປັ໊ມໄຮໂດຼລິກທີ່ເຮັດດ້ວຍຕີນ.
ໃນຖານະເປັນຜູ້ຜະລິດຕາຕະລາງຍົກຍ້າຍເປັນມືອາຊີບສໍາລັບເວລາຫຼາຍປີ, ພວກເຮົາໄດ້ພັດທະນາປະເພດຕ່າງໆຂອງຕາຕະລາງຍົກ, ເຊັ່ນ: ຕາຕະລາງຍົກ, ຕາຕະລາງຍົກ, ຕາຕະລາງຍົກ stationary, ຕາຕະລາງຍົກສະແຕນເລດ, ຕໍາແຫນ່ງວຽກ, etc
ແບບຈໍາລອງ | ART031 | ART032 |
ຄວາມຈຸກາບ (lbs) | 220(484) | 450(990) |
ຄວາມສູງສູງສຸດສູງສຸດມມ (ໃນະ) | 724(28.5) | 876(34.5) |
ລະດັບຄວາມສູງຂັ້ນຕ່ໍາ (mm) | 235(9.3) | 279(11) |
ຂະຫນາດແພລະຕະຟອມມມ (ໃນະ) | 705*450(27.8*17.7) | 813*508(32*20) |
ນ້ໍາຫນັກສຸດທິກົກ (lbs) | 40.5(89.1) | 74(162.8) |
ນ້ໍາຫນັກລວມກົກ (lbs) | 44.5(97.9) | 78.5(172.7) |
ຂະຫນາດແພໍກເກດ mm (ນິ້ວ) | 810*490*245(32*19*9.6) | 980*560*290(38.6*22*11.4) |
♦ ລະດັບຄວາມຮັບຜິດຊອບຫນັກ
♦ ການອອກແບບຍົກຍົກສູງຢ່າງໄວວາເຮັດໃຫ້ອຸປະກອນຫຼຸດລົງ
♦ ການອອກແບບໃຫມ່ເພື່ອຕອບສະຫນອງມາດຕະຖານ EN1570: 1999
♦ ປັ໊ມ Overload ປ້ອງກັນ pump ແລະ operator
♦ ການອອກກໍາລັງກາຍແບບ ergonomic ປັບປຸງຄວາມປອດໄພຂອງຜູ້ໃຊ້
♦ ສອງລໍ້ຫມຸນດ້ວຍຫ້າມລໍ້ແລະສອງ rigid
♦ ອຸປະກອນແຕ່ລະມາພ້ອມກັບຄໍາແນະນໍາ specs
♦ ການຄໍ້າປະກັນຈໍາກັດ 1 ປີ (ຍົກເວັ້ນສໍາລັບການໃສ່ສ່ວນ, ເຊັ່ນ: ລໍ້)
♦ ພວກເຮົາໄດ້ຢູ່ໃນການຜະລິດຕາຕະລາງຍົກສໍາລັບເວລາຫຼາຍປີ. ແລະພວກເຮົາມີທີມງານບໍລິການຫລັງການຂາຍແບບມືອາຊີບແລະເລີດ.
♦ ໃຫ້ບໍລິການຊິ້ນສ່ວນອະໄຫລ່
Operating procedures:
- It is necessary to repeatedly step on the pedal to make the cargo rise to the required height with the work surface;
- Slowly lift the handle, open the check valve to make the work surface slowly descend;
- Please turn on the brake before moving the lift table.
Attention and maintenance:
- The unit is specially designed and operated by the user;
- It is strictly forbidden to use overload or unbalanced load;
- During the operation, it is strictly forbidden to stand on the platform;
- It is strictly forbidden to place your hands and feet under the lowering table;
- When the goods are being loaded, the brakes should be braked to prevent the hydraulic lift table from moving;
- The goods should be placed in the center of the countertop and placed in a stable position to prevent slippage;
- When the cargo is lifted, the platform truck cannot be moved;
- When moving, be sure to hold the handle to move the lift table;
- Use the manual lift table on a flat, hard ground, and do not use it on slopes or bumps.
- After the operation is completed, the goods should be unloaded to avoid deformation of the platform truck caused by heavy load for a long time;
- When maintaining, be sure to support the scissor arm with the support rod to avoid the lowering of the table during the work of the operator.
ເປັນຜູ້ຜະລິດມືອາຊີບຂອງປະເພດຕ່າງໆຂອງການຈັດການວັດສະດຸແລະຍົກສິນຄ້າ, ຕາລາງຍົກແມ່ນຫນຶ່ງໃນຜະລິດຕະພັນຕົ້ນຕໍຂອງພວກເຮົາ. ນອກຈາກນີ້, ພວກເຮົາຍັງສາມາດຜະລິດປະເພດຕ່າງໆຂອງລົດ pallet, stackers, ຕາຕະລາງຍົກ, ລົດຍົກ, crane ແລະອື່ນໆ. ຖ້າທ່ານຕ້ອງການຊື້ຕາຕະລາງຍົກໄຟຟ້າ, ທ່ານສາມາດສົ່ງອີເມລ໌ຈາກຫນ້ານີ້ສໍາລັບການຖ້ອຍຄໍາໃນປັດຈຸບັນ.
Common Failure and Solutions:
(一)The lift table is weak or unable to lift
Reasons and elimination methods:
- Cause: overload
Elimination method: reduce the load can be eliminated
- Reason: the oil return valve is not closed
Elimination method: tighten the return oil valve can be eliminated
- Reason: the one-way valve of the manual pump is stuck and fails
Elimination method: unscrew the oil pump valve port bolt, overhaul, clean, replace clean hydraulic oil can be eliminated
4. reason: manual pump, gear pump serious oil leakage
Elimination method: replace the oil pump seal ring can be eliminated
5. reason: gear pump damage, hit the oil without pressure
Elimination method: replace gear pump can be eliminated
- Reason: insufficient hydraulic oil
Elimination method: add enough hydraulic oil to eliminate
- Reason: circuit break
Exclusion method: check the button contactor and fuse can be excluded
- Reason: clogged filter
Elimination method: replacement or cleaning can be eliminated
(二)The lifting platform drops naturally
Causes and elimination methods
- Reason: one-way valve discharge
Exclusion method: check the one-way valve in the valve group.If there is dirt on the sealing surface of the one-way valve. Clean check valve.
- Reason: the descending valve is not tightly closed
Elimination method: check whether there is electricity in the descending valve, if there is no electricity, remove the fault of the descending valve itself or replace the descending valve.The slide valve of the descending valve must be kept clean and movable.
- Cause: leakage in the oil cylinder
Elimination method: replace cylinder seal
(三)The lifting platform does not descend
- Reason: the descending valve fails
Elimination method: in the case of pressing the drop button, check whether the drop valve has electricity.If there is no electricity, try to eliminate it.If there is electricity, remove the falling valve itself fault, or replace the falling valve.The slide valve should be kept clean and lubricated.
- Reason: the descending speed control valve is out of balance
Elimination method: adjust the control valve of falling speed, if the adjustment is invalid, replace the new valve.

ຕາຕະລາງຍົກໄຟຟ້າ ART048
ຕາຕະລາງຍົກຂອງໄຟຟ້າແມ່ນນໍາໃຊ້ຢ່າງກວ້າງຂວາງເພື່ອຍົກ, ວາງແລະຂົນສົ່ງວັດສະດຸທີ່ຮຸນແຮງທົ່ວຮ້ານ, ໂຮງງານ, ຄັງສິນຄ້າແລະຫ້ອງການ, ເຊິ່ງໄດ້ກາຍເປັນຕາຕະລາງຍົກຍ້າຍມືຖືທີ່ມີປະສິດທິພາບແລະປະສິດທິພາບສູງໃນຊີວິດການເຮັດວຽກປະຈໍາວັນ. ນີ້ກົນໄກການຍົກຍ້າຍໄຟຟ້າກົນຈັກ ...